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Posts posted by ENPowerUser

  1. I currently have 20 GB free space. It's a new Mac mini M2.

    I checked on the web client and it's missing there as well.

    I quit the App and re-started it. Then at least that green Evernote spinning/loading wheel (which appeared instead of my PDF attachment) was gone and the remaining PDFs were there and functioning again. However, two attachments seem to have disappeared forever, they are now "unnamed attachments". One had 6MB when I opened the note, now it has 0MB.

    What strikes me is that even the note restoring function isn't helpful! In one case, the one note (which only had 1 PDF attachment) was created in 2021, but the note history doesn't go back to that date and only offers today's date. In the other case, the other note had 3 PDF attachments. 2 PDFs are there, but one is missing. And when I restore a version from the year 2021, it only has 1 PDF inside, but not the other 2. What's happening there?



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