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  1. I tried that, too, many times. Log out and clear local data. Then log in again—still the same result. The data was cut off on Dec 31, 2022. Those notes are not lost. They are just hidden! If you search by title, you can find the hidden notes. If you click the search result and open the hidden note, it magically gets added back. You can even see an increase of the total number of notes. So, the notes are synced already because I can search them. As I said, they are just hidden!
  2. I just did the update on my PC and found out I lost all notes after Dec 31, 2020. I use the free account and keep another copy on my phone. Here is what I found: 1. If I add a new note on PC, the ew note shows up on my phone. So the sync is still working. 2. The total notes on the PC are less than on the phone, for obvious reasons. 3. If I search the lost notes on PC, I can still see them. And when I open the search result. The lost one magically appears on PC. So the notes are not really lost. And I am very unhappy with such practice of Evernote. I am switching to alternatives now.
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