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About ClaireBear81

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  1. My goodness this gives me hope. I shall sign up today. Thank you so much for your advice and knowledge
  2. Thank you so much, your help is very appreciated
  3. Hello, I use the free basic version of the app and I've been adding regularly to the same note over the last 5 years. Cute things my children say. I was absolutely devastated to log in and find all of it deleted. Can anyone tell me if there is a possibility that this data is saved somewhere? I don't know if it's a technical glitch in the app or if I've accidently pressed the backspace or highlighted the text and deleted it while my phone is in my pocket. I've tried everything I can think of to restore the data but can't find it anywhere. Everytime I've added to the document, I've saved it. So would the previously saved versions be retrievable? This note is priceless to me so even if I have to purchase a plan to get that info back I will if it gives me that option. I appreciate any help or advice that can be offered. Thanks in advance 🙏
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