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Thiago Murphy

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Everything posted by Thiago Murphy

  1. I added a task to the note and some content underneath yesterday. This morning all the content was replaced by that message and left "Nothing Foun" which was part of the research I have done. In the places I added a Task (Alt+T) it would be replaced with something like belo or the tile of the task would be deleted and all the content underneath was also deleted.
  2. Hi s2sailor, Thank you for reaching out. I don't think so. Here is the version I am using. I checked under the installed apps and I can only see one Evernote. Is there any other place I could check?
  3. I am also having the same problem for days. I thought I was going crazy. Finally yesterday I was able to confirm the issue and yes, after 2 hours of research, I was left with almost nothing. and now I have to redo it all over again. So frustrating. The application is on the latest version, the same for Windows 11 I am using. I do use tasks and it is available in the UI. I only use the desktop version and the research is private so I am the only one that has access to it. This is the first time that this message appears. Before the content would just be gone and left me with a lot of confusion and frustration. I am honestly moving to One Note. I am not sure if it is any better but I can't trust that the report and research I do for work will still be there after the next sync.
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