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Everything posted by CyborgManatee

  1. I said I knew for a fact because I had already checked those settings. There were two devices registered (an older PC and my current one) and I removed both before signing in again. But it turns out what I was seeing was just an ad for a lower price with a hard to notice way to cancel out of it. Kind of annoying that it's designed that way, but at least I figured it out.
  2. I have only ever used the free version of Evernote and today, shortly after signing in, it asked me to choose a subscription plan in an inescapable pop-up window. It comes back every time I refresh the page too. I looked to see if the free version was still a thing and as far as I can tell, it is. I also know for a fact that I don't have more than one device registered with Evernote so that can't be the problem. Does anybody know what the heck is going on with my account?
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