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About ssprague

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  1. Spell-check and autocorrect - whether using the app on mac os, ios, or on a web browser - is really bad. It is such a better experience using Google Docs or Grammarly. It's hard to comprehend how this has not been addressed after years. I'm a long-time user and generally like Evernote, but transcribing quotes from books is such a frustrating experience because of the lack of autocorrect and how dismal the spell-check is. Going through manual spell-check would be acceptable except the dictionary that Evernote is using seems to not have the proper recommendation for the replacement half the time. It slows down the process of writing notes exponentially. Please provide options for autocorrect and better ways for users to access spell-check preferences, update dictionaries, integrate with third-party apps, or otherwise. If not, I might just end up moving everything over to google docs if this continues to not be addressed. Please. Really want to continue using Evernote as it's great for syncing across platforms and devices and organization. If the spell-check was improved and/or autocorrect implemented would be able to recommend Evernote to others and be confident that I will continue to use it going forward.
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