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Bug with iPhone swipe-down app

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Hello. I'd like to report a bug with creating a new note in the iphone App.

Within the app itself, it works fine: I open the app, press the "text" button, and at the top it says "Untitled note", which is greyed-out. I tap on "greyed out" and can immediate start typing the title of my note.

The problem is with the pull-down feature, which is supposed to be a quick way of entering a new note. Here, I pull down from the top of the screen, press the "text" button. Rather than being greyed-out, the word "Untitled" is green. When I tap on it, I either have to manually delete the word "Untitled" or I have to click on the green cross before I start typing (see image below). Either way, it's really fiddly, and it undermines the whole point of the swipe-down access, which is to add a new note rapidly.

Image: https://p9.zdusercontent.com/attachment/212433/xjUvyCsDuWZQQj3eINYck28id?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..WOGLG1a3sv9X2ZHVyjl-lw.7JKrM-6m0kcnGukODF5_FOoIzSS2myzIwvPr5Ybti3fO9xvS45WWhuh9mbNjSgJBQKTegZRl7cs-076PIICL_9Uo9dH6IhrDPZAk3gJo9vReXgH7Gt0wSNR7xVaQ2Mce545XAuzw4_nLk6n-iv26PdJ_-hyvhty5MASFPFa-nXA162Tilx-allJsCvrPvpOacRtcm_MNHQY69Imin9CZjRV4Hdfs_k57e3cEQ8OLehZbm7YdrS0lvg5SPxJ87gjzp0ffX0sEX7Ybajv-yTBCBg.4zHY_YZm21lq5qi9awLy0Q

Would be great if you could fix!



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