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Outlook for Mac 2016 Evernote Add-in clips only the subject head

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The recently introduced add-in (accessible via the microsoftonline portal) for clipping emails received to Evernote (currently v.1.1, I believe) works properly and efficiently. However all it does is clip the subject header from the message and, in Evernote, permits linking to the email body, apparently retrieving it from the server.

This is barely acceptable, especially when working offline for any reason.

Is this intentional? If so, it would be nice if the developer(s) would make it clear.

Is this a premature launch of a product add-in still under development? If so... etc.


Others have made note of this on the Microsoft Outlook site online. There has been no discernible response from either Microsoft or Evernote.


For me, this renders the add-in next to useless.

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