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Product Sourcing

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My name is Andrew and I am a long time Evernote user, but sadly not been active in the forums. But I hope to spend time here on a regular basis learning from experts on how I can use the Evernote platform to help improve my buisness and personal life.


Also I am a full time eBay and Amazon seller and for the last 8 years have been helping people start and grow their Amazon and eBay businesses.


Todays tip - is Using Evernote to help you source products while out and about.......................


Due to the fact that we can take info from our desk top and laptop computers, add the information to Evernote and this syncs across our phone, iPads, and tablets this allows us to list products with all the info we need including pictures in a Sourcing Notebook, then we have it where ever we go. So keep adding those hot products to the notebook, and when your out you can always be sure to have all those hot find with you 24 / 7



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