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Keyboard shortcuts for Mac on QWERTZ-Keyboard

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I am desperately trying to find the keyboard shortcut for "Increase Indent Level" and "Decrease Indent Level" for my European (QWERTZ) Keyboard.

The standard shortcuts for mac are "⇧ ⌘ ]" and "⇧ ⌘ [" but i am missing the ] and [ keys on my Keyboard.


Does anyone have a suggestion? There are other shortcuts that are not working for me because of missing Keys, but these two are most important for me.


I hope i'm just missing something, but if that is not possible with my keyboard, i hereby officially request the feature.:)


I'm based in Austria,

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)

OSX 10.10.5 (14F27)

Evernote Version 6.1 (452115 Direct)



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  • 4 months later...

hey, I "solved the Problem" and I am ashamed of how stupid i was. In case anyone is as dumb as me:

as you type "[" and "]" with "option+5" and "option+6" on a QWERTZ Keyboard, u just have to type " ⇧ ⌘ option 5" and "⇧ ⌘ option 6" to increase/decrease indent Level.



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