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annoying things in evernote/ please consider these improvments

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1. When I create a note with a lot of bullet points , check boxs or number and want to copy some part my text to another note, the result is, it does not bring bullet points and my texts get messed up.

Also when I want to delete multiple line of the text with bullet points, i just can't. I have to delete each line. It takes a lot of time and super annoying.

2. I want a cross out text feature. If you don't provide user colored text feature, then just add a cross out funtion. It is important.

3. The current auto title function according to location is very useless. Title should be automatic created according to the first line you type or the date created. When users first create a new note, the curcor should be on the title bar, not on the text. Because we still have to name each note themselves.

4. Please add function " search in note" just like a web browser.

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  • Level 5*

Hi Nana,


You've posted in the forum for 3rd party developers to get help in using the Evernote API.  A better place for these requests is the General Discussion Forum.

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