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new tools and functions


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I. I'm a full time evernote (on windows) user and would like to make a few suggestions of tools and functions that i really would like to have on it now.

If any of this is already available in some way please let me know.


1. a match properties (or format painter) tool to be able to copy text styles or properties fast


2. a line spacing option that would allow to change spacing inside a note (full or parts of text)


3. more option in the highlight text tool. that one color thing is just not enough for more complex work


4. a really beautiful thing: the ability to create links not just for complete notes ('Copy Note Link') but for specific parts of text inside a note. this would allow for fast switching between topics inside notes or even inside a long note (i have a lot of those) creating a kind of index.


thanks for your time.

keep up the good work with this amazing software.



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