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Evernote 5.5 for Windows cannot connect to server.

Creig S

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After upgrading to 5.5 Evernote, I was getting notice that it could not sync, and claimed it could not log in. Since I did not see where I could enter the password, I had Evernote log out, with the theory that I could reenter the password when it logs in again. However, it then said it could not connect to the server, so I am unable to log in. That was probably the real problem all along. Just so you know, I am connected to the internet just fine, and am able to log in with the correct password using the web site, since I am logged into the website now on the same computer as I post this message. I am on Windows XP Pro SP3 (I know, MS no longer supports this, but it's what I have for now). Maybe Evernote no longer suports Windows XP too? I am not using proxies or VPNs and as far as I know, the firewall on my PC or my router is not an issue.


If Windows XP is the issue, is there a way I could reinstall an older version of Evernote that still works?

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