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Clipper only posts screen shot


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I have been unable to get web clipper to save an entire web page article to evernote. I can only get a screen shot with most of the article cut-off. If I wanted a screen shot I could use the screen-shot feature that I have. I am sure web clipper is able to download the whole article but have been unable to get it to do so. Anything I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

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I am really not sure why this is happening... Here's a sample clipping of a website



My process:

navigate to desired website

Press clipper button (or hotkey `)


under "clip" select "article" (this is default, you don't normally have to select this). 

choose desired notebook and tag

select "save"


You should end up with a note that looks like the one I link to above. 


Is it possible you are selecting "Screenshot" under the "clip" heading? 


Could you explain how you are actually going about doing this clipping? Could you post a sample of what your clips look like? Can you confirm you are using the official evernote clipper from http://evernote.com/webclipper/ and not a potentially fraudulent clipper from a third-party (A couple are circulating around). 

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Thanks for the guidance. Originally I selected 'full page' thinking this would copy the full page. But it seems that 'full page' is for screen shot.?  When I selected 'article' it copied the whole article which is what I was aiming for. Thanks again.

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Full Page shouldn't be a screenshot either. 

Here's the same NYT article with "full page"



same as the "article" but with more fluff around it (pardon the odd horizontal scrolling when viewing the shared note in the web. In the actual evernote client it's not truncated/scrolly like that). 

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Scott, Thats what I was originally expecting but my version of 'full page' did not scroll down, leading to me thinking this was a screen shot. The 'full page' copy that I received is provided in the following link below:




This version allows me to scroll down. I must have had 'screen shot' selected the first time since the scroll did not work (I deleted the original versions). This is the only thing I can think of. Anyway, the scroll works for both the 'article' and 'full page' options now. Lesson learned - have the right setting selected before saving.



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