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How to Escape From Screenshot Mode


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I'm a pretty big follower of the philosophy one shouldn't use the mouse or trackpad unless it's absolutely necessary, e.g., I use a great many shortcuts.  Now, using the Evernote Web Clipper has become very useful for me to clip various things of interest on the Net, very quickly, except when I make the mistake of taking a screenshot—because, upon the next open of the Clipper, one finds that one is unable to escape from this mode using the regular shortcuts; 'A', 'C', etc., i.e. automatically to a Skitch-like text input, and don't act as the shortcuts they usually do.  Is there a way I can 'escape' from what is probably useful 80% of the time but is tremendously annoying a crucial 20% of it, so I go from clipping articles, to simplified ones, to shortcuts and back again without exerting the energy to move my hand from the keyboard?

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The default setting for the Web Clipper is to start in the last used action. You can change this on the Options page or if you find yourself in screenshot mode you can at any time switch to any other clip action. 

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