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Cornell note-taking layout in Penultimate paper options

Wendy DeGroat

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It would be FABULOUS if Penultimate could add a paper option modeled on the Cornell note-taking layout.


Considering the forthcoming study in Psychological Science that concurs with an earlier study that handwritten notes aid learning more than typed ones, incorporating this option for paper types in Penultimate would be yet another feature in the growing Evernote toolkit for everyone who likes to take BOTH handwritten AND typed notes. 


Evernote's collaborations for Moleskins and Post-It notes were among the many features that have made me an enthusiastic Evernote user.


Similar expansions in paper options might include half-grid, half-blank paper, and half-blank, half-ruled paper.  These options would be wonderful for chemistry, robotics, art research, and inventions, adding more choices than all-blank or all-grid.

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But you don't have to wait.


You can:

 - make a Cornell page by drawing two lines on a blank page

 - adapt one of the _many_ pages available for download via the Marketplace (which, afaict, do not have a Cornell page, but do have most of your other recommendations)

 - make your own template page:  http://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/23185807

 - use any actual paper, and "photo-clip" the page


What stylus do you recommend for taking notes on the iPad?

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I made a Cornell Notes template for use in Penultimate.


Credit where credit is due:  I downloaded one from freeology.com.


I trimmed it, resized it for Penultimate, cleaned it up, converted it to a JPG, and put it in my DropBox:




To make it available as a Penultimate paper:

  1. Download the Cornell Notes Template for Penultimate file
  2. Email it to yourself
  3. Open the received mail message on your iPad
  4. Press on the image in the body of the message until the Share dialog appears
  5. Tap "Save Image" (it gets put in your Camera Roll, which is the only place Penultimate uses)(I don't program these things)(←Yo! Evernote!)
  6. Switch to Penultimate
  7. Open a Notebook
  8. Tap the Papers icon (supposed to look like graph paper with a corner dog-eared, but resembles an office building on Main St., Legoville)
  9. Tap the plus sign top right
  10. Tap "Camera Roll"
  11. Tap the thumbnail of the Cornell Notes template JPG file
  12. Replace "Paper" with a more useful name (e.g.:"Cornell Notes Page")
  13. Tap _outside_ the dialog box (I don't program these things)
  14. Tap the Papers icon again
  15. Tap "My Papers"
  16. Tap the name you gave your template in step 12.
  17. Pour three fingers of single-malt whiskey in a small glass
  18. Send it to me
  19. Enjoy taking and remembering notes
  20. I think its safe to delete the JPG file from your Camera Roll

Let me know if this doesn't work or isn't what you wanted.

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