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safari firefox differences


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Just installed the cliper for Safari. When clipping a page it provides a set of "Clip" and "Markup" tools on the right hand side of the browser - see attachment.


When I use the clipper in Firefox the same tools are not provided so I cannot mark up the article before saving it to my notebook.


Why does each clipper have to be different. Of course I could just use Safari exclusively but then when I want to use Evernote Clearly I would have to switch back to


Firefox as there isn't an Evernote Clearly for Safari. @?(:   - Is there a coherent development strategy here?

safari clipper.tiff

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We release new updates independently on each platform. At the moment Safari & Chrome + clones have the new design. We are working on updating Firefox to the latest version. In general development on Firefox takes much longer because the platform and extension APIs are not as mature.  

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