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PLEASE reinstate the Tag drop-down menu for notes!

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I'm sorry, I really cannot believe that somebody thought it was 'progress' to remove the drop-down selection of existing Tags, in favour of having to start typing out each tag that you want associated with a note?????

Can someone please explain the logic to me and how this is progress????

For many people TAGS are at the pure heart of the Evernote System. To actually now make it more cumbersome to organise you notes seems ludicrous to me.

I can live with the Market place (although I would rather have the option to disable it), but I cannot live with the loss of a VERY effective Tagging system that we had previous to the current system. I'm afraid my Premium membership will not be renewed if we don't see the drop-down Tag selector reinstated by then.

I'm a VERY heavy user of Evernote and this loss has had a HUGE impact on my workflow. I'm sure it must be the same for many, many others.

If others feel the same about the current Tag system, I would urge you to speak up in this thread. Have your say and let the Development Team know how you feel

Kind regards,


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