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(Archived) Havin problem in Formatting Text (iphone 5)


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Hi guys


I have a serious problem in formatting text when I create a new note and want to write first word bold and the others word not in bold, when I click on bold and write first word then click on bold again to write the others normally but it didnt work and others words also in bold.

It is the same with other formatting and also when i click on just one format, that format didnt change to the end. for example when i click italic then i want to click on bold too, bold didnt work.


I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it but it didnt change.

What do i do?

Please help me.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a similar problem. If one line is in bold in the beginning of the note I can't unbold it, even if I copy paste other text from the same note there it will become bold.

I have to go to a line that is not on bold and type the whole text again, it's the only solution I've found.


I'm using Macbook and the police is Helvetica.


Can someone help us on this?

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