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(Archived) Notification Sound Settings, please


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I love the notification function, but....


Please let the user set a different or no notification sound!


Right now it is just using the default notification sound, but I want to hear if I am getting a SMS, an Outlook reminder or an Evernote reminder!


And as I read around on the forums, some just want a visual reminder and no sound.


No, turning off the notifications is no good, as that will switch them all off


Possible workaround (cumbersome, but may work): set specific notification sounds for all the "other" apps and let Evernote as the only app using the default (only works if all your other apps let you choose a specific sound). Clunky and not Evernote worthy!



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Hi swaldorff,


If you have a few dollars to spare ($2.50 on Google Play), the app Light Flow might help.  It will let you set LED, vibrations, and sound notifications on a per app basis. There is a free version, but Evernote is only supported on the paid version. That might help.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that the Android app needs the ability for the user to specify a notification sound.  Without that feature, Evernote reminders are worthless and I'll just go back to using the calendar app in my phone for reminders.


Evernote reminders should also have a way to display the reminder on the lock screen and the home screen in addition to the notification bar.  I get so many things in my notification bar that I just ignore it anyway.

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