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(Archived) Clipper not clipping


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The other day I noticed that there is a new version of the Web Clipper. Much betterr interface than before. However, if I fill in what I want to fill in, and then click "Clip URL" it won't clip. It just sits there and it doesn't show up in my notebooks. Quite useless as far as clippers go!

Am I forgetting to click an enter button somewhere? Is it me? Is it the clipper?

Please enlighten if you can....



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Please let us know what browser, OS version you are using.

I'm assuming you are using Firefox.

Firefox is a bit special since it offers 'both native clipping' = files clips directly to your desktop client, and 'Evernote Web' = files clips to the web service directly.

You control this setting in the clipping preference / options page.

If you are using 'Evernote Web' the UI is a bit different and it has more functions. Part of that is the 'split button' where you choose what clip to make. If you are changing the default clip action to 'Clip URL' you will have to click the split button one more time to execute the clip.

Let me know if that helps.

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