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(Archived) Web Clipper 5.4 - Are prior versions still available?


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Is there a chance to either downgrade to a prior version or maybe get something like "Web Clipper Lite"?

This is why I'm very unhappy with the upgrade to 5.4:

  • It is slower and needs more clicks to add a note to Evernote (I mostly store articles from the web to my local notebooks)
  • It doesn’t save my credentials (I have to log in every time I restart my browser)

The second issue (log in) is a result of my personal preference in setting up FF. As a compromise between usability and privacy, FF is setup the following way:

  • NoScript
  • Accept all cookies (including third-party)
  • Keep them until I close FF

As I restart FF frequently, you may understand why I’m so unhappy with 5.4.

No, I do not plan to change my FF setup.

Love Evernote! Keep the great work up and give me (us) a “Web Clipper Lite”.

OS: Win 7

Browser: FF beta (16b5)

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This is in support of the OP's request. My FF Web Clipper got upgraded yesterday (alas, I didn't realize it upgrades automatically by default) and now I find it to be annoying and useless. It used to work great for me.

Most of my notebooks are local, so when I clip from FF I like to get the note filed right away.

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