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(Archived) Note content could not be downloaded at this time. Check your network connection and try again later


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"Note content could not be downloaded at this time. Check your network connection and try again later"

This is the message I have gotten for 3 days now when I try to open an attachment in my notes. The attachments that I had looked at just recently prior to the problem still work, probably because they are in my cache. However, all others do not work - jpegs, pdf, doc, etc...

This is not my network connection. I have tried it on my home wifi, all other apps and internet works just fine and Evernote still gives me this message. I have tried it on mobile data- all other apps and internet work but Evernote gives me this message. I have tried it on a friend's wifi - all other apps and internet work but Evernote gives me this message.

A large amount of what I have on Evernote are attachments and 85% of my Evernote usage is on my Android devices. I really need it to work.

P.S. Everything works fine on my home laptop with a wifi connection.

Thanks for any help I can get.

Device: Galaxy S I9000.

Evernote Version: 4.2.1

Evernote Build: AndroidMarket_42_1_34/f0f9df9

Network Operator: 310410 / HOME

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  • 3 months later...

What size are the files you are trying to view? I ran into the same message in the last couple of days, also on Android, while trying to view attachments greater than 10 MB in size. A 10 MB file can be retrieved and viewed, anything larger fails on Android. Files which are smaller, even though posted recently work, files larger, posted within mintues of the above do not. I can view the attachments in Evernote Web or Evernote Windows, so I know the file is good.

I have a reply in the thread announcing 4.5 on Android asking for confirmation. I think this is either a bug, or an unacknowledged "feature" hearkening back to the days of slow and limited data connections. I, too, would like to use Evernote to catalogue PDFs and other files, but this could be a deal-breaker, and I've been a user for a number of years.

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