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Stop Evernote-to-foreground when clipping/paste-to-Evernote



Dear people of Evernote and fellow users,

I'm a heavy user of the desktop-version of Evernote, and clip a lot of text and images to Evernote by copying them, and then using the paste-to-Evernote key combination. However, whenever I do this, the application jumps to the foreground to show me the newly clipped note, AND I get a Growl notification. Is there a way to stop Evernote from jumping to the foreground? Many times, I'm clipping a lot of material in a row and it's getting quite annoying switching between applications all the time...

Thank you,


Mac Lion 10.7.2

Evernote 3.0.4

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I'm enjoying a number of productivity enhancements such as Folder Actions on my Mac, but the benefits are almost entirely nullified by the fact that Evernote pops to the foreground when, say, I dump a number of files into Evernote. I have to put everything else aside so that Evernote can do its thing - which it can easily do in the background, without switching to Evernote being the foreground app for every single transaction.


I would love to see a solution to this. It seems so simple.

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