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(Archived) phantom tags



I thought I had lost a note, a text note containing a shortcut for omnioutliner. I had tagged it: omni, software, shortcut.

Looking for it this morning, I went to tags. It said I had one note tagged 'omni' - but when I clicked on it, no notes appeared.

I looked at the tag 'shortcut' - it said there were 5 notes, but only 3 showed.

I did a search for 'omni' and it did not turn up.

I have not encrypted this note. Don't even know how to do that, and the note's contents were not confidential.

I looked in a folder where I thought I might have put it, and there it was. It was tagged as I remembered, so I had not forgotten to tag it. In any case, wouldn't it have appeared when I did a search on the word?

Why doesn't this note show up in the tag-folder 'omni'? Am I misunderstanding how tags work in this program?

I noticed that a few other tag-folders showing (1) note had no contents.

Is this a bug, or am I not understanding how to do this? It has happened a couple times, but before I just thought I had trashed the note or something.

Thanks for any help you can offer -

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This also looks like it may be a Mac version only problem. I see this happen when I change the tag of an existing note. Then I look at the Tag in the All Notebooks view, its not there. When I look in the specific notebook and then the specific Tag it does show. **EDIT** I was incorrect, It doesnt show in either All or Notebook view of the Tag. The note does show when looking at all notes in the Notebook (without selecting a Tag)

This does not happen in the Web EN or Android EN versions.

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