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from v8 to v10 with AOS13

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disappointed in this update.  Additions/widgets and other giggity boo that don't seem to be able to be toggled off.

seems more geared than ever before to phone nerds that have their head in their phone all day long.

would have liked to see EN able to be set as open to All Notes or open to Shortcuts with All Notes being a Shortcut.

Customize Home as default without being able to toggle unless you subscribe, dumb.
EN now seems to be pursuing its biz and enterprise users and not the individual what needs to take a note or look at a shopping list.

1/4 of the screen wasted on "Good afternoon".

Like so many apps, developed to keep developers busy.

I guess without subscribers it's tough to survive the biG  G.

The G giveth and the G taketh away.

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