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The Evernote clipper is worth my subscription

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The TLDR - Evernote's clipper is far better than OneNote's and is a good enough reason for me to keep my subscription.

I use Evernote as a warehouse for reference materials. I've had a subscription (probably whatever the cheapest non-free one is) for years. I've also had a Microsoft/Office 365 subscription for about a year. I've dabbled in other productivity tools over the years. There is no single productivity that has been "it" - the "be all to end all" - for me. Life is complicated. And has only been getting more complicated for me over the last few years. I've come to the conclusion that since no productivity tool, or even a combination, really does "it" for me, my top priority is simplicity - and that means everything in one place if possible. Microsoft/Office 365 does that for me. Heck, they even have the OneNote clipper.

Except it is no where near as good as the Evernote clipper.

  • Evernote does a better job of clipping YouTube videos and my reference materials are more and more often YouTube videos.
  • Evernote does a better job of clipping bookmarks.
  • Evernote does a massively better job at just clipping articles.
    • I can expand the area clipped for "Article" to include - or not - comments at the bottom. This doesn't always work. But it's good enough generally.
    • The "Article" clipper generally doesn't have a problem with the images in the article.
      • With OneNote clipper, I have to scroll to the bottom of the article to make sure all images have loaded and then hit the "Clip" button. But that still doesn't always work. I just clipped an article with OneNote because the preview indicated the article would be clipped with all the images. The images are not there in my OneNote notebook. Then I clipped the same article with Evernote - no problem.
  • Evernote clips recipes. Not as well as it used to but still beats OneNote.

Evernote clipper is not perfect. Some article clipping ends up the same as clipping the whole page. Recipe clipping doesn't perform as well as it used to - I put that down to the way folks post recipes rather than a specific failing on Evernote clipper's part. I don't even blame the folks who are posting their recipes that way. After all, they are trying to keep people around to see the ads embedded in their posts, which is perfectly fair since I'm getting the recipe for free.

I made the decision for now that my Evernote will only hold reference materials - no to-do lists, etc. I'm not going to use Evernote for organizing my life - just my reference materials. The major drawback, for me, is the ability to move info from Evernote to OneNote. I had a lot of self-authored material (think "diary", memories) in Evernote and tried a couple of different paths to move it to OneNote. It was a bit painful. Not all pages in a notebook exported. Some wouldn't import. And some imported badly. My attempts to export/import some reference materials did not transfer the source URL. I love having the source URL so I can go back to the original web page. This drove part of my decision to keep my reference materials in Evernote. 

Sorry this started getting disjointed but I have to rush to work. 

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