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Sometimes when I write my notes I want to be able to refresh my memory quickly on specific concepts that are on other notes without really having to go there.


This is similar to the screentips function in MS Word but I'd love for it to not be tied to strictly having a link there, and should accept more text (but not a full note worth of it)


You see this system used in RPG videogames often as there are always huge swat of text to explain certain concepts both mechanical and others as can it be seen here for example:



I always found that they work pretty well there, so it would be useful to have them on Evernote too 

I have several places in some of my notes where this would be useful to just have brief reminder on concepts in this format without always having to create a link opening a different note which while still useful I always found a bit cumbersome when I don't need the *whole* section but only part of it

Thank you in advance :)


P.S: I checked in Evernote everywhere for this function and I didn't find it. I hope I did not just  make a fool of myself here by just not finding it xD

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