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faster selection of colours for text and highlighting



Selection of colours for text and highlighting (including delete and set back to default) is at least one step / one tap to much and to complicated:

When the fly-in-menu of the editor for selection is opened and I do tap on a colour or on delete/set default colour, I would expect the iOS-EV-App to apply or delete colour as requested instantly and without any further action.

Instaed of this I have to tap in the content to close the menu  and to see or check if the cosen colour is applied and if it lokks like I want.

(By the way: I personally don't need any more colours for note editing than the given small selection. If I'd have bigger aims for layout and design I'd change to MS-Word or whatever Word-processor else. IMHO less choices for layouting and less colours lead to less distracting text in my notes. I prefer concentration on content rather than on layout)

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