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Annoying Change to the Evernote Desktop App

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I've been using the latest updated version of the Evernote Desktop App/Client for Windows 10.  Why did you change the process for creating a new note? 

Before I could create a new note, then select the notebook where it should be filed.  Done.

Now, when I use the Desktop Client/App, a newly created blank note always defaults to the first notebook in alphabetical order.  I then have to execute a series of steps to MOVE the blank note to another notebook.  This is a complete downgrade in user experience.  A frustrating one.  Something I could accomplish in intuitive one step now requires an awkward series of steps to select MOVE, scroll, select a notebook, have it confirm that I want it to move. 

Could you please return it to the original approach?  I've just logged on to the web based interface and I see that the original approach to creating a note and providing the immediate option to select a notebook is still available. This change did not help.  It made something simple unnecessarily complicated.  

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This is not my experience. If I am in a notebook and press the "+ New Note" button the note is created in that notebook. If I am in All notes the note is created in my default notebook.

Incidentally, I personally find the easiest way to move a note to a new notebook is to drag it from the note list onto the desired notebook in the sidebar. This avoids lots of annoying confirmations.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, AinBmore said:

This response was unhelpful and did not respond to the specific issue I raised.


Despite your somewhat ungracious response I will continue to try to help. Like most of the people on this forum I am not an EN employee and am not connected to EN in any way.

When you say 

On 12/1/2020 at 3:26 PM, AinBmore said:

Before I could create a new note, then select the notebook where it should be filed.  Done.

Could you describe your workflow. There are many ways of creating new notes and moving them so it would help if you could outline exactly how you are doinng it. 


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