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Evernote persistently loses my edits


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I have a couple of notebooks that get edited every day.


A few months ago Evernote was inaccessible for many hours - presumably a system upgrade - ever since then I have persistently lost edits I lose at least 2 a week that I know of. I access Evernote from Chrome


Example - I store the times I arrive at work and leave - I typed that in yesterday - It was there - no question - today that data is no longer in that notebook


This isn't really a 'what's wrong' question its a statement that for what I and I would expect most people use Evernote for this is a totally unacceptable occurrence - I cannot recreate that data - its loss will cause me issues. If I lose some important reminder the implications could be serious. I'm really left no choice but to conclude Evernote is not fit for purpose and go elsewhere

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