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Must clear cache in order to sync

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iOS 11.0.3 - iPhone 6
Evernote 8.5.1

I have logged out and logged back in. I have rebooted the phone. I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Nothing works except clearing the cache.

Scenario - using Evernote app on iOS:
(I have only tested this with a shared note so far)

  1. User A shares note with me. I add it to my shortcuts for easy access. Note is up-to-date and synced. Nothing fancy, just a list of items.
  2. I update note. Within seconds, User A sees the note updated (also on Evernote app for iOS 11).
  3. User A updates the note and makes sure it is synced.
  4. However, I do not see the update on my app. I refresh via All Notes list and force a "Sync Now" on My Account - nothing. In fact, both refreshing and syncing show messages that I last synced whenever I last made a change on a note, not when I actually last synced. Warning flag #1.
  5. I reinstalled the app and repeated steps 1-4 with same results. Rebooted phone with same results.
  6. The only way I can see the changes made to the shared note is if I open My Account > Support and "Clear Cache". Even then, the preview of the note on the All Notes list shows the old, outdated version of the note.

We have used this shared note for many months but I've never noticed this problem until recently. We both upgraded to iOS 11 but I cannot say for sure that the problem started at that time.

For this specific note, we used to use Google Docs but made the switch to Evernote because of the "checkbox" feature. However, I see no option but to use Google Docs again if Evernote will not properly sync the note.

Seems like I've tried everything I can to resolve the issue but I'm open to ideas.

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