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(Archived) Mac + Cyberpad + Evernote 3 = It works!

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tl;dr: With a ton of work and some programming expertise, you can automate the conversion of .TOP files from your Adesso Cyberpad to jpegs which you can then automatically upload to your Evernote 3 Beta account.

Long Version:

I made the conversion to a full-time Mac person and the things I missed the most were Evernote and my Cyberpad. The beta makes me a very happy monkey, as I get to use my Cyberpad again.

Problem: There is no native support in the Mac or Evernote Beta for .TOP files.

Solution: top2svg.py, a python script by Jorik Blaas (http://eddie.niese.net/20071129/new-digital-notepad-gadget/#comment-51) and available at http://graphics.tudelft.nl/~jorik/top2svg.py


python top2svg.py file.TOP > file.svg

Problem: Evernote 3 doesn't speak .svg, either.

Solution: batik, a java svg rasterizer, available at http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/

This command works to grab an 8.5"x11" picture of the svg into a high-quality jpeg:

java -jar batik-rasterizer.jar -m image/jpeg -q 0.99 -h 1100 -w 850 -dpi 1200 file.svg

However, I don't write in the margins, so I can ignore them. To do that, use:

java -jar batik-rasterizer.jar -m image/jpeg -q 0.99 -h 1100 -w 850 -dpi 1200 -a 120,200,850,1100 file.svg

I wrote a perl script to glue these functions together and dump the resulting jpegs into a folder. The folder has an Automator action attached to it that emails my Evernote email box with the jpeg. I'll probably rewrite the whole thing in perl to avoid the frustrations of Automator and attach that as a folder action. But for now, Mac users can get their notes off their cyberpad and into Evernote without booting into Windows.

PS- Windows users could theoretically use this too, but Evernote 2.2 is way better, and gives you some handwriting to text conversion.

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