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(Archived) Sync & Work Proxy?

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I am beta-testing the new evernote3 version which has some nice enhancements. I really still do love my evernote 2 but I can see evernote3 really becoming a great product if the sync works.

I have trouble with the sync behind my work firewall/proxy server. I am able to get to the http://preview.evernote.com/Home.action page to see where my notes/notebooks would be stored online but I can not do anything in the new evernote3 windows desktop as I am having sync errors.

This is what my error log looks like:

10:46 0% Authenticating user "dice"

10:46 0% Connecting to preview.evernote.com

10:46 0% TException: EDAM processing error: 172.,

10:46 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

10:46 0% * 0s (22%) spent in EDAM RPC

10:56 0% Connecting to preview.evernote.com

10:56 0% TException: EDAM processing error: 172.,

10:56 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

10:56 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

Any help or things I can try would be great... Thanks.

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I have the same issue only with a different log:

09:21 0% Authenticating user "jskahan"

09:21 0% Connecting to preview.evernote.com

09:21 0% TException: Can't end HTTP request, error: INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY

09:21 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

09:21 0% Connecting to preview.evernote.com

09:21 0% TException: Can't end HTTP request, error: INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY

09:21 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

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