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About antpugh

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  1. +1 - this feature would be a complete godsend! I had a look at the QEver app, its nearly there, but you can't use Notes already created in Evernote... which is a bit of a pain. I'm currently using an app called Due on iOS which works great, and so I think I'm gonna stick with that until Evernote steps in with our feature requests!!!!!
  2. Whilst we're on the subject, another issue that I am having with this newest version is with the Saved Searches in my shortcuts. If I click on a Saved Search in the shortcuts sidebar, the notes appear fine. Butf I then click directly onto a different Saved Search, Evernote does not display any notes. However, if I hit the Mac+R key (the reset search shortcut) after having clicked on a Saved Search, and then click on another Saved Search, it seems to work ok. Any one else experiencing this too?
  3. I understand too - thanks for the response. Although I think that to have to click on something to see which tags I'\ve selected is an unnecessary extra step. Maybe we could put in a feature request to have these tags visible once slected? Or an otpion to show the tags selected?
  4. I cant see how to attach an image on here?? I've added it to Dropbox - maybe you can see it there? https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvueoei4yr7afqk/Screen%20Shot%202013-07-09%20at%2022.57.00.png I can click one tag, and it brings up the correct notes. In this shot I have clicked on the COurse Bundles prj tag . However, what I cannot do is: 1) Select 2 tags at the same time 2) See which tag I have clicked on once I have clicked on it (as you can see in this screenshot the tag is not highlighted)
  5. There is no error, it just doesn't multi-select. I am using Evernote for Mac, but with a windows keyboard - so initially I thought it may be something to do with that, but I can CTRL select files on other applications, so it seems to be an Evernote thing. Not only does it not multi-select, but when I click on a tag, the correct notes display on the right, however there is no indication of which tag has been selected. ie. the tag in the list on the side menu does not stay highlighted once selected - I can't see anyone else's screen to see if this is just an error on my machine or how Evernote for mac works.
  6. Is it just me or does this still seem to not be working?
  7. If you could add this feature, it would make my life complete!!!! So it would be a reminder/alarm at a regular period ie. every Monday at 10am, the last day of each month, every day at midday etc. etc.
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