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(Archived) Disable autocorrect on android tablet


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Is there a way to disable Evernote autocorrect on an android tablet? It's HORRIBLE and basically makes the product useless. I did turn off autocorrect globally (which I really didn't want to do) in my device settings, but it didn't make any different for Evernote which still autocorrected dismally along. I'm the secretary for a couple art organizations, and I thought I could take meeting minutes on my tablet rather than dragging my laptop around, and thought Evernote would be perfect for it.

But after it changed things like "dropcloth" to "sticking" (huh???) and "sawtooth" to "Asquith" and "foamcore" to "finite" I couldn't even read my minutes anymore. And unlike autocorrect on my android phone features, where if you back up one letter it shows you your original word, once Evernote autocorrected it STAYED autocorrected, and I would have to back up the entire word and retype, and make sure it didn't autocorrect again. and By then I was so behind in my minutes I couldn't even catch up.

I thought this would be a cool product so I could sync the notes with my laptop and then type them up to be sent out as a group email. But unless I can turn off autocorrect this product goes into the bit bucket and I look for something else.

If this feature can't get turned off does anyone have a decent product to recommend? One that doesn't require internet access at all times so I can use it even when WiFi is not available?

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