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Print Preview Not Working in Ver 6.15

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I'm using the free Evernote, and just updated to ver 6.15, running under Win10x64. The actual Evernote version, according to my About screen is: (307881) Public (CE Build ce-53.2.6641). I'm using the hard-drive based version, rather than the online/cloud version, though the program still syncs as scheduled. Up until this update (within the past 5 days) when I selected Print Preview, I was shown a smaller screen that showed each page, and allowed me to select Print options, or to back to the document to adjust note placement to make page use more efficient, take out accidental bad spacing, etc. before printing. Now, Print Preview gives me an already-created, auto-saved PDF file, without any option to edit. When selecting Print, rather than Print Preview, I can a t least select whether to print to PDF or to another printer, but still no Preview option. Has this option been removed, repositioned, or renamed? Welcoming advice and suggestions!

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