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How to go back to regular text style after pasting a URL

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This is the version of Evernote Mac that I use:
Version 7.1 (456449 App Store)
Editor: 43.0.4829 (edb6eb7)

I often copy and paste URLs into Evernote as a bulleted list, add a title and a description. I'm finding that the URL style (blue and underlined) gets replicated everywhere even though other bullet items are not links. I'm not sure if this desired behavior (like maintaining the current text style...), but I believe that hitting carriage return used to treat links differently.

The following steps result in behavior like in the attached image:

  • Create a bulleted item
  • paste URL
  • go to beginning of the URL text and hit carriage return and then tab to indent
    • this creates a bullet above the URL
  • go to previous bullet item and try to type in a summary or title for the URL
  • go to end of the URL and hit carriage return and start typing



Currently, I could work around this by either:

  • creating bullets above and below where I paste before pasting in the URL, so they are initialized with the default text style
  • selecting the text of the bullet item that is not a URL and changing the format
    • select text
    • control click to bring up contextual menu
      • select Format->Underline to deselect it
    • control click to bring up contextual menu
      • select Format->Show Colors and select black
Although I would prefer that a new bullet didn't maintain the previous URL link style, I currently use the 1st method to work around this. If this is a bug or there is a better way to work with this, I would appreciate any advice/info.

After updating to:
Version 7.2.3 (456888 App Store)
Editor: 47.0.5287 (17d18b5)
This issue seems to be fixed.
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