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Evernote Clipping in wrong Font

Priyank Mishra

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Here's the issue described step by step- 

  1. I went to this website and clicked on the clipper.   Image 1 --> http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/conceptual/article23589648.ece
  2. I selected Simplified Article. Image 2 
  3. I got a weird note. Image 3
  4. I have clipped many articles from this website in past one year. But this is happening from the time you have pushed some UPDATES . This blank space in half of the note is bothering me a lot.

Please help! I am subscription user and I raised a ticket for this too. I am clueless what happened to that.Ticket# 2481329  

Image 1:



Image 2:



Image 3:




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