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Posts posted by SSO2020

  1. Hello,
    I think that if the management. Evernote product didn't integrate the awesome Evernote tablet, it's either:
    - they know what they are doing, but they have strategic interests in not upsetting big players;
    - they still know what they're doing, and we're going to have a really good surprise this year, because they've realized they have a big shot;

    - or they left their brains at the last dissertation of their university and they don't realize the "big one" (the ***** opportunity) they would have to integrate Evernote reMarkable, << but especially to buy this company.>>>

    But that little joke aside. Of course, i admire this fine Evernote company and I'm sure the executives have their heads. :)

    But it would be really great 

    for me the perfect combo wil be: Google Drive - EN - Remarkable 💕


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