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Posts posted by shadowrunner

  1. Do not listen to Gazumped LMAO.  EVERYONE I know has dealt with the duplicates and syncing nightmare and has since moved on to other apps.  I continue to use the app in the silly hope that a convenient manual sync button will help avoid the weekly (sometimes daily) fumbles of 15 minute syncing (even without VPN) between devices both at work on a fiber optic connection or at home (400 down 30 up) or miracle occurs and this gets addressed.  I am not simultaneously taking notes on a phone or a MacBook, usually the app will just be open on my phone from having entered notes earlier in the day (3-4 hours prior).  The syncing issues has been the #1 issue why I have partially switched to Google Docs and Good Notes and will be the reason why I spend one weekend manually copying all of my notes from the past decade into another application.  Evernote is still useable but I feel like it's right on the edge of being counterproductive to use, unfortunately. 

    It was good while it lasted!

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