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Posts posted by khorton01

  1. On 2016-08-25 at 1:56 AM, davidgerva said:

    Hi everyone!
    I'm creating a little python application you can use to backup your entire evernote.

    Basically it opens a little dialog with all your notebooks, ask yuo for a local directory and
    you can choose wich notebooks to exports. The application will create a directory with the notebook title,
    an md file for every note in that directory and if the notes has attachments the app will create a directory with
    all the attachments inside it. This dir will have the name of the note.

    I would like to hear your opinions:
    1- do you think it could be a useful application? It is for me, but I don't know if someone else could find it useful.
    2- do you know if there is already something around doing quite the same things?
    and, maybe for the future, if you want to try it, let me know!
    Thank you!

    I am extremely interested in this, so please keep us posted on your progress.  I'd be happy to be a beta tester if you are looking for those.


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