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Posts posted by alivenjes

  1. I have been using Evernote to scan all my receipts for bookkeeping purposes. I use the camera on my iPhone to scan the receipts as documents in Evernote and then throw the physical receipts away. At the end of each week (or month if things get too busy), I go through my receipts and record expenses into my bookkeeping software. However, lately, I have been experiencing an issue where some of the scans disappear. It doesn't happen frequently, but on occasion, there will be a note titled "Snapshot" with no content. Since I have already thrown away the physical receipt, it makes it difficult to reconcile my expenses and track them in my bookkeeping software. This issue has become so problematic that I am now considering migrating from Evernote to a different app. I am tired of dealing with constant bugs and technical difficulties. This bug also sometimes manifests where the note on my iPhone will still have the scan, but no amount of syncing will get it to show up on my desktop app.

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