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Posts posted by silversurfer69

  1. This is what you said:

    > EN syncs the audio directly with the server. If server connection is lost, the audio file on mobile is gone, and can’t be recovered.

    I'm just saying this is not true and the help article you mentioned does not say this either. First of all, any audio file below the note size limit will be completely fine with or without server connection. It remains on local device and is synced to servers next time EN is synced just like any other note. Even if the note is too big to sync to EN servers, it remains on your local device with the audio file. In no case is the "audio file on mobile is gone" - unless there was a bug. This also means that implementing pause is not overly complex or impossible because EN  stores the recording on device memory/disk like any other application. I just want to put this out for anyone else who might see this and get the wrong impression.

    I do understand they may have different priorities - this is just a feature request to the team and a way to gauge if others might be interested in the feature.

  2. On 7/13/2024 at 12:51 AM, PinkElephant said:

    As you already discovered, use a different app that saves to device memory.

    EN syncs the audio directly with the server. If server connection is lost, the audio file on mobile is gone, and can’t be recovered. Pausing in this fragile process is probably not the best idea.

    I'm a software engineer and this is very likely untrue. There is no reason to do it this way, would add a lot of unnecessary complexity and pausing would not make things any more fragile. I just tested this - record audio in EN, turn off the internet on your phone in the middle of the recording and keep recording. Everything will work just fine. Not storing recordings on device would mean you can't record at all when the device is offline, or if the internet is spotty etc.

  3. Version: 10.92.3-mac-ddl-public (20240612161827)
    Editor: v178.12.0
    Service: v1.113.6

    On the latest version the update to match selection to set up custom headers is totally broken. I try to set up custom font sizes and colors for each heading level and then use update to match selection to update the other headers in the doc. Doing this now has no impact on any other header in the note. Creating new headers also just reverts to the defaults.

    It was already slightly buggy in earlier versions but seems to be completely busted now.


  4. Am I the only one with the opposite problem? I'm still stuck on 10.91.1 without the "@" links or pinned notes both of which I want to use!! No updates on the mac store, tried restarting and logging out/in..

    Does anyone know if i can download the latest dmg off the downloads and use that without breaking anything? Because my EN is currently installed via the App Store.

    EN team - how about giving us 2 update channels - like nightly/regular or similar so we can choose our pace? And whats with the Early Access program? the link on the FAQ to join the program is broken.

  5. COLLAPSIBLE SECTIONS ARE THE GREATEST FEATURE EVER!!!!!!!! I can use them sort of like Workflowy for deeply nested lists which mirrors the way my brain works.. however there are a few issues I want to check before going all in on them:

    1. They don't appear in the iOS app? All sections are just expanded and cannot be collapsed.. is this coming in the future?

    2. Only the 3 headers can be collapsed, not lists or any other element. Is this going to change?

    3. Ideally I would structure a lot of my disparate notes within a single note per year, with sections for each day and nested sections within that day for different topics. So that kind of note would have a lot of sections with lots of nesting. Is EN really going to support sections well enough that this is feasible and doesn't bug out or lag?

    Generally can we expect these to be a first-class, well-supported, long-term feature of EN?

    EDIT: Also what is going on with the forums? There are way too many subforums, some of which don't have posts for years. The main discussions page recommends posts from 2020. The whole thing is a mess.. the forums should be consolidated and the interface should clearly show the newest/trending topics. The search function also just doesn't work, doesn't find a lot of posts that have the right keywords, and it makes you select every single forum you'd like to search manually instead of searching all of them.. this is just terrible.

  6. On 6/12/2023 at 4:07 PM, Dave Green said:

    I have noted that the emojis are evidently not supported in every font.  I normally use "Sans Serif" and many emojis won't show or show only in black & white.  Changing the font to "Serif" for at least the emoji - makes them visible and in color.  It does not seem like it is possible to control the font of Note Titles.  My guess is that Evernote is using a different font that has the emoji in the sidebar rendering of the title, while the title font of the actual note does not.

    That makes a lot of sense! But I see some more strange behavior now.

    Now when the title is rendered in the sidebar by clicking on the Notebook and seeing all the notes under it, it renders fine. It also renders fine with Cmd+J search.

    However when i find it via the search box on the top left (not Cmd+J search), it renders incorrectly. This also renders the results in the same sidebar with seemingly the same fonts that render fine using the above method.

    So something weird is going on

  7. I'm on the latest Evernote for Mac. I want to put a few emojis in note titles, but when searching for notes using Cmd+K or just looking in the sidebar, the emojis don't render properly. They render as the missing symbol - � .

    In the search, after searching once they seem to render fine the next time around. In the sidebar they never render properly.


    Cmd+K Search rendering:



    Sidebar rendering:



    Are there any plans to fix this?

  8. When i search for something across my library, i see a big list of notes with the keyword highlighted somewhere inside the note. When you have a lot of notes and they are large notes, this means going through each note one by one and scrolling the whole note/pdf looking for the highlighted portions.

    We need a better search experience. There should be a quick way to jump to the prev/next search hit, and preferably something like a results page that shows all the snippets from each note that contain the keyword with a quick link to jump into that portion of the note.

    I think being able to find and navigate your notes is a core feature and Evernote is quite lacking here - easily ingesting data is not useful if we can't access it in many ways. A good search would help a lot of people imo.

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