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Posts posted by SteveQ55

  1. Again... Bottom line is that Something had changed, this was a brand new issue with the whole 4 duplicates nonsense, it just started in the last 2 weeks and it's on notes that have only been opened on the SAME device. I have a free account and can only log into it from 2 devices. My wife has it on her phone and I on mine. She h has notes that only she has opened and the same with me. It's not a sync issue. I think it may have settled down, I haven't had an issue again since my last message but everyone jumping on about sync problems are way off. The problem was the app creating multiple duplicates after editing a note, nothing to do with sync

    I'm just hoping that the issue has stopped and they fixed whatever it was.

  2. Bottom line is that Something has changed, this is a new issue with the whole 4 duplicates nonsense and it's on notes that have only been touched on the same device. This needs to be fixed. It sucks EN doesn't let you submit a ticket if you only use the free account. Very tempted to switch to Google Keep it something different. EN has gone downhill.

  3. I'm getting the multiple duplicates as well. I opened a note, added a couple things and when I came back to it a little later, there were 4 copies. This has just started happening the last couple days. And no I'm not opening the note on multiple devices. The note was only opened on the same device. Something has changed and needs to be fixed. I've gotten duplicates before but only 1 copy and it's usually been if my wife went into the grocery list within a very short time of myself going in and changing something, other than that, I've never seen 4 duplicates created from editing my own note. It's happened 3 times in the last couple days.

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