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About LTENuser

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  1. Evernote task APIs aren’t opened up yet. So, can’t sync the tasks out of EN. Annoying as hell frankly. One option (workaround that should work) - use checkboxes instead of tasks in EN. You can Sync EN checkboxes with Todoist (via the EN integration - IFTTT, or Pleexy etc). Your EN checkboxes will show in Todoist. Then use the Todoist/ Fantastical integration to show todoist tasks in Fantastical - ie your EN checkbox items. Super darn fiddly. EN needs to open up their ‘new’ features APIs, especially tasks, power users have been waiting.
  2. Having scoured the internet high & low - it seems the Tasks API is still not available? I don’t post very often, but with Apple Notes, Reminders integration + Calendars - for free upcoming, I really would like to see EN get on this & release the tasks API, so paying power users (and people interested in task/ note/ calendar) aggregators can keep using EN.
  3. On my end it took about 24 hours to resolve, but I was following the Reddit chat & saw the OP and others still had issues for days. Zero reply from customer support even now in July - weeks later. They really need to stop tweaking & releasing their updates constantly. Better to beta test properly & then release steady updates. Back-links are a core component of their new product / modern product offering.
  4. Yes, I made sure to contact support & refer them to other users issues. Never heard back AT ALL from EN support. Appalling. On my end it took about 24 hours to resolve, but I was following the Reddit chat & saw the OP and others still had issues for days.
  5. New backlinks are not syncing / not working as of today. Only occuring with new backlinks. Reddit forum has users reporting this too. Any new backlink is not working as of today – two-way backlinks are suddenly broken / not displaying. It's suddenly only creating a one direction link, no longer two-way backlinks. Example: - create a new backlink (insert - note link, or @note link - test both methods). – Go to referenced document - No backlink is visible on the referenced page. It's behaving as though it has inserted a copy of the internal link, instead of creating a two-way backlink. Note 1: This issue is only impacting newly created backlinks. Older, pre-existing backlinks, (created before today), are still two-way and showing correctly. Note 2: Someone else on Reddit has posted about this problem about 30 minutes ago too. I will include their text and their screenshots below. Like them, I have also tested on web, mobile devices, and yes, everything is updated to latest version on my end too. Note 3: - Most concerning is that creating backlinks on the web version also produces this error. So, it isn't a syncing issue between devices. This issue started today. ------------------------- including reddit post with their images --------------------------- From REDDIT person/ post: What's going on? Backlinks not updating/ not showing today - for NEW backlinks created I have a family member still using Evernote. As of today, any NEW backlink added to an existing or to a new document are not updating. Backlinks created before today are still showing. What on earth? Have refreshed multiple times. Have relaunched. All EN across all devices are updated to latest version. Have checked on the web version - no new backlinks showing on web either! So, the backlink can be added to a document, but the referenced document is not showing the backlink section anymore! ie: it's not backlinking - it's a one-way link suddenly. (apart from older backlinks, which are still two-way). Screenshots -https://imgur.com/a/M62FmNp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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