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Posts posted by Thanxfornothing

  1. I am having the same issue. I’ve relied on Evernote for over a decade to store, organize and secure my writing. As of this week, when I reboot the app my most recent note pops up but is missing everything but the first paragraph. This has happened twice this week—erasing thousands of words each time—so I stopped using Evernote altogether. Would really love to see this resolved so I do t have to cancel my subscription. 

    Using Evernote Premium, primarily on iPhone 13. 


  2. This has been happening to me too!!! I’ve searched and searched for a reason or solution, and contacted customer service:

    Twice this week I have opened the app to find that my most recent note is 99% gone. In both cases I had written incredibly long essays (important personally and professionally to me) and SAVED them, as I have been doing for the decade I’ve been using the app. I closed the app as usual and when I opened it again later, only the first paragraph of each essay remained. If this is a technical glitch of the new version it is catastrophic to those of us who have come to rely on the security of Evernote. This app has been my best writing friend for so long and I will be devastated if my work is gone and irretrievable. 

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