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Posts posted by Cangelo

  1. I was very disappointed with the sudden price hike and being notified 1 month before renewal.  I liked Evernote overall alot and made due with some deficiencies it has but it sounds like it's becoming a cash cow or too expensive for for my tastes.  I went back and forth as I struggled finding a simple replacement.  Here we are a few days later and I found a solution that I'm satisfied with and committed to moving to

    Projects: TickTick (Great improvement for milestones/tasks but not quite as good for linking to resources/notes)
    Tasks: TickTick (Huge improvement over Evernote/Google Tasks implementation I had)
    Habits/Routines: TickTick (Was using HabitNow and RoutineFlow but this integrated system will be a nice improvement)

    Archives: Samsung Notes (Better folder interface but not quite as good for searching)
    Notebook: Samsung notes (MUCH better handwriting interface but not quite as good for formatted text)
    Planner: Samsung Notes with Momentum Planner PDFs (This will be an improvement)

    NOTE: Samsung Notes may not be the best for many but I've got the fold 4 phone, tab s8 tablet, and Galaxy Book 2 pro so I can access it on my devices.

    Biggest downsides that I can live with (not as good search and not as good web clipper).  

    Biggest upsides (better sync, usable handwriting on android, $28 per year, better project/task system)

    Now time to move things over


  2. Many times I am working within one note and wish to quickly create a "new" linked note (one that does not exist yet)

    I would like to be in one note and

    1. Click the + toolbar button
    2. Click option to create a new linked note (specify which notebook to place it in)
    3. Create new linked note
    4. Automatically add new linked note "link" in the original note

    Then, I can click the link to edit / update that note/nugget now or in the future

  3. I love the new linking of notes and how it works.  Sometimes I have large notes (ie: Monthly Inbox Note) that builds up.  I'd like to be able to:

    1. Highlight text/paragraph/section within a note
    2. Right-click or hit a button to put into a linked note
      • Creates new linked note (allow to specify which notebook)
      • Deletes selected text within original note
      • Adds linked note in the original note


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