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Posts posted by zenitsky

  1. I just noticed that Evernote iOS now defaults to a straight list of recent notes, instead of the home page with my selected widgets.  I can access my home page by going to settings and selecting "My Widgets", but if I select the home icon, Evernote iOS will then return me to the note list.  On Mac OS the home page appears by default when launched. That should also work for iOS.

    What has changed? How can I get the Evernote IOS app to work the same as the Mac version?

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  2. I just purchased an Apple Pencil and am exited to use it with some of my favorite apps, especially Evernote. After doing a bit of research I realized that I needed to download Penultimate to sync with Evernote. However, when I tried to download it in the App Store I keep getting a message saying, "This app is currently not available in your country or region". That seems strange since I live in Central Ohio. I am running the most current iPad OS 17.2. 

    Anyone with some knowledge about this, please let me know. 

  3. I have been noticing more note conflicts over the past few months. Yesterday, one of my important notes had a conflict. As I normally do I kept the most recent note and sent the other to the trash. My mistake was that I permanently deleted the good file. i soon discovered that the note that I kept was corrupted. I couldn't open it and now can't delete it, either. Is there a way to get rid of these type of files? See attached.

    Corrupt Note.png

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