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Posts posted by geonorman

  1. Hi, I'm a Uni student and new to Evernote. Using the Basic Free version for now.

    I have made a notebook for a particular project I'm working on, I have one Note that is my own ideas, paragraph drafts, thesis ideas etc. I've noticed when I add a PDF attachment to my Notebook, or a plain text article to my Notebook - they are often categorised in 'Notes' alongside my actual written Note. As you can see in my screenshot attached, all of the note cards look the exact same, with nothing just to easily highlight that the one titled "Potential SPC-A Policy" is the one that I am actively using as an ideas/drafting note. 

     I do not want it in the same 'Notes' section with journal articles and book chapters, as the only reason I've added those in is to keep them filed in Evernote as opposed to cluttering my bookmarks bar or desktop. 

    How can I make my own written Note stand out or be separated in a different section to all my secondary reading materials? Even if I could colour code it or SOMETHING it would be helpful. Any tips are appreciated, it may not seem like a big deal but I would just like my main note to be visually separate - much easier to focus.


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